How We Work
Cuddledry is an unusual business – since we launched in 2006 we have never had an office. We are a prime example of how today’s businesses can be run using flexible working to make best use of time, people and skills. And we are rather proud of that, if truth be told.
In the early days we felt pressure from others to take on an office space, a warehouse space, and run things in a ‘conventional’ manner. But when we considered this, we also considered our lives, and first and foremost, our children. It was glaringly obvious that the time spent in the car travelling to and from an office was wasted work time. It was also obvious that the overheads to our tiny business for the costs of premises would be large. But most obvious of all, we would have to sacrifice time with our young children if we committed to both those things.
So the whole team at Cuddledry has always worked flexible hours from home. And believe us – it works! Everyone who works for us has amazing skills and experience, so we have been able to recruit the best people for the roles we need – at the same time giving them the flexibility they need in their everyday lives. Whether this means being available for babies, children, dogs, life in general, or in one case, being on a skydiving team – everyone who works with us has that scope.
And we are living proof that when you give your team that trust and flexibility, you receive 110% back. Flexible working is about mutual respect, and it really, truly works. The dedication of our team astounds and delights us every day.
Regardless of where a team member is located (we have amazing people based in Northern Ireland, Kent, Somerset, Newcastle, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Devon and Bolton!) – the job is done well, and the team communicates via email, whatsapp, phone and skype. And when we do manage to get together – its great fun!
Polly and Helen are huge advocates of flexible working, and our ongoing, growing little business, is proof that it works.